Monday, June 6, 2011

Today's Epic Win...Followed By Today's Epic Fail

Today I walked into Shop N' Save armed with 11 coupons for $1.00 off of 1 jar of Ragu Pasta Sauce. I had been waiting for a sale to use these coupons and SNS finally had the sauce 2 for $3. I grabbed my 11 jars and made my way to the check out. When I got there, I discovered that Unilever is doing a special at SNS right now where if you spend $15 on Unilever products (which Ragu is), you instantly receive $5 off your purchase.

So here's how it went:

11 jars @ $1.50 per jar = $16.50
- $5 instant savings        = $16.50-$5=$11.50
- $1 x 11 coupons         = $11.50-$11=$0.50
Plus Tax                        = $.50+$.02= $0.52

That's right...I paid $0.52 and got ELEVEN jars of pasta sauce. I was SO excited.

So, I came home and went to unload the back of my car. Of course one of the glass jars rolled out and burst everywhere. All over the driveway and all over me. Then, the gallon of milk that I had just purchased followed suit and busted even further than the pasta sauce. Luckily, the jug burst in such a way that I was able to save half the gallon of milk in a pitcher.

1 comment:

  1. You totally rock at the couponing thing, girly! Sorry about the crash and spill. I dropped two bottles of Gatorade down the stairs this afternoon, and fortunately they held together for the ride!
